
dimanche 9 septembre 2007

I would like to pay homage to a Kurdish patriotic family in California.

Adam Pasori, Kurdish sucessful businessman and advocate of the Kurdish cause, and five of his relatives died in a tragedic plane crash in August 31, 2007 about 5.30 pm. For unclear reasons, Adam have lost the control of his own private plane.

They were flying from Santa Monica to Kern Couty for a camping outing in order to have fun in family. Unfortunately, it was their last last fly, which is really hard to believe.

I present my sincerest condolences to Pasori family and, especially to Xani Xulam, kurdish activist and Adem Kuygusuz.

ADAM, DARA, SIBEL, SÎPAN, MERYEM and NESRIN, we will never forget you and you all will forever have a place in our heart.

Feqîyê Teyran

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

homage to Adam Pasori and to his family

Anonyme a dit…

quel dommage, tous mes ocndoléances a cette famille kurde

Anonyme a dit…

toutes mes condoléances à la famille